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Pachycephala pectoralis
The adult male Golden Whistler is bright yellow on the underside, olive-green on the back and wings, and black on the head with a bright yellow collar. The throat is white, separated from the yellow chest by a broad black band. The bill and legs are black.
wooded habitat around a small creek in the shade on a very hot day for Tassie - The Tasmanian Arboretum - http://www.tasmanianarboretum.org.au/ Golden Whistlers feed on insects, spiders and other small arthropods. Berries are also eaten. Feeding is usually done alone and most food is obtained from the lower or middle tree level, where it is picked from leaves and bark
Male and female Golden Whistlers share the nest building duties. The nest is a shallow bowl, made of twigs, grass and bark, bound together with spider web and lined with finer grass. The nest is placed in a fork in a bush or tree up to 6 m above the ground. Only one brood is raised in a season and both sexes share the incubation of the eggs, and care of the young.
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