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Paonias astylus
WS about 2" Both sexes rest with wings parallel to the resting surface, with the upper lobes of the hindwings protruding above the forewings. The lower abdomen of the male arcs upward toward the head, while the abdomen of the female hangs strait down on a vertical surface. So this is a male!
Western NC mountains
Blueberry and huckleberry (Vaccinium), cherries (Prunus) and willows (Salix) are the favorites as larval foodplants.
Got it Carol...thanks ...there are lots of huckleberries around here...a very exciting find for me!
Claire, it is a Huckleberry Sphinx Moth (Paonias astylus) ID by Thomas on FB
Hey Alice...I was very excited to see this moth at my basement window this morning. I left the light on all night...it's still there I think!
Thanks Carol..I thought it was a sphinx moth too...but I don't think it's the species you suggested...but maybe..the moths seem to be more colorful here in the mountains.
I put an ID up, but think it might be something similar. It is a most wonderful moth.