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Red-eyed Treefrog

Agalychnis sp.


Spotting 1500! The beautiful Red-eyed tree frog. Found on a rainy night on Isla Colon in a rainforest. This frog, and others found had deep red eyes, with a green body. Patterning of the body distinguishes between species, but I don't have access to a guide.


Lowland evergreen rainforest. Found on broadleaf plants. Found on the north side of the island in a portion of the island called Drago. This area is mostly old growth and secondary growth forest.


3 specimen were found.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Red-eye tree frog
Agalychnis callidryas Flickr

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Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 8 years ago

Wonderful spotting for your 1500 -Congratulations Lucky !

DanielePralong 8 years ago

Logan, your spotting has been nominated for the Spotting of the Week. The winner will be chosen by the Project Noah Rangers based on a combination of factors including: uniqueness of the shot, status of the organism (for example, rare or endangered), quality of the information provided in the habitat and description sections. There is a subjective element, of course; the spotting with the highest number of Ranger votes is chosen. Congratulations on being nominated!

DrNamgyalT.Sherpa 8 years ago

Beautiful 1500th spotting !

Diaz José Miguel
Diaz José Miguel 8 years ago

Oh man! love it!!!

InêsVeloso 8 years ago

Wow, really stunnig shots!

Dan Doucette
Dan Doucette 8 years ago

Nice shot and congrats on 1500!

Jim Nelson
Jim Nelson 8 years ago

Nice capture, love these guys!

outsidegirl0 8 years ago

wow! amazing shot!

AlbertKang 8 years ago

Congratulations on your 1,500th Spotting and its a very nice one!

Great capture Logan,beautiful,congrats on the 1500th one :-) and thanks for sharing such a awesome spotting page

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 8 years ago

My what lovely eyes you have! ...................

Spotted by

Bocas del Toro, Provincia de Bocas del Toro, Panama

Spotted on Oct 1, 2016
Submitted on Oct 8, 2016

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