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Bastimentos Poison Dart Frog

Oophaga pumilio


This frog variety is only found in a very restricted area of a small Island (Bastimentos) in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Poison Dart frogs always have bright colors for warning predators they are poisonous. Indians from Central to South America learned to use the poison in the arrow heads for hunting. The venom is derived of the frog's diet, consisting mostly on ants; the frogs process the ant's chemicals into venomous sustances for protecting against predators.

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LisaPowers 10 years ago

Fabulous series!

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 10 years ago

You are right Lauren, when they are fed with flies in captivity they loose their poison

LaurenZarate 10 years ago

Nice series! I've never seen this one before. I love that it is ants that make them poisonous.

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 10 years ago

Gracias Larry

LarryGraziano 10 years ago

Buenisisima serie Juan!

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 10 years ago

Thanks Mark

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Nice shots Juan. And fantastic find. That ant conversion must be an interesting chemical process.

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 10 years ago

Thanks Bhagya

Bhagya Herath
Bhagya Herath 10 years ago

cute...... nice spotting

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 10 years ago

Thanks Sergio and Antonio

Another great one juan,congrats

Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 10 years ago

You got some very interesting frogs, Juan. Awesome spottings!

Juan DiTrani
Spotted by
Juan DiTrani

Isla Bastimentos, Panama

Spotted on Dec 13, 2013
Submitted on Dec 17, 2013

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