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Alisterus scapularis
Male:- Head and underparts are scarlet. The back and the wings are dark green with a light green stripe on wing coverts. A narrow band on the nape, and lower back to upper tail coverts deep blue. A black tail. Undertail coverts green-black broadly edged scarlet. Eye yellow; outer ring grey. Upper mandible red tipped black, lower mandible black. Feet grey. Claws darker.
Heavily timbered mountain ranges and rainforests from Atherton Tableland south to eastern and southern Victoria. This Australian King Parrot was enjoying time in a Jacaranda Tree, in my backyard. Ohter trees around are:- Mulberry Tree; Chinese Celtis and Narrow-leaf Bottletree.
Contact call in flight is a shrill crassak-crassak, repeated often. Utters a piping whistle whilst perching and , also, apparently in contact. As I live close to the Bunya Mountains, I get to enjoy the birds, when they visit my back yard. These photos have been edited. Reference comes from Reader's Digest Complete Book of Australian Birds.
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