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Tidepool Octopus

Octopus rubescens


This octopus, like all octopi, can not only change color but texture as well. Their presence of individual personalities is a hallmark great intelligence. On average, it grows up to 18 inches with both tentacles and mantle.


Octopus, even small ones, are known for their fierce bites. Thankfully, this one is moderately habituation towards humans. You can see it tries to match the color of its surroundings. Whether it is a glass bowl and a light source or the caretaker's hand. Watching the process happen so rapidly right in from of me was truly spectacular. Thank you to Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis.

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Josh Asel
Spotted by
Josh Asel

California, USA

Spotted on Feb 27, 2015
Submitted on Feb 28, 2015

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