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English Carrier

Columba livia domestica


It is a breed of pigeons that was originally bred and selected as a carrier pigeon. They are birds with a slender figure, with a rather imposing posture. They can measure about 25-30 cm in length and weigh 250 grams. Generally nervous in character, it stands out for having a large fleshy mass on the tip of its beak. It is appreciated by almost all breeders, and very abundant. There is a wide variety of colors, although the most common is black, with the area of the ocular ring in a creamy white color. Its tail is quite long and pronounced, as well as its reddish legs. It has not been determined that there is sexual dimorphism in the species.


It is a domestic pigeon. She lives free in a dovecote built for her next to a house in the country. In January 2022 I spotted another English Carrier bird, in this case it was a black specimen. This year I have returned to that country house and I have found this white specimen. In this house the birds are free, but there was only one male English Carrier, there was no female. For a few days he disappeared and a male common pigeon also disappeared. Subsequently, the female pigeon began to incubate and surprise! the white Carrier was born. In the photos I have put the father (black) and the son (white).

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eulalia rubio
eulalia rubio a year ago

Thanks, Mark.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway a year ago

Great shots Eulalia.

eulalia rubio
Spotted by
eulalia rubio

Totana, Region of Murcia, Spain

Spotted on Jan 20, 2023
Submitted on Jan 20, 2023

Spotted for Mission

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