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A student brought it from his farm in order to show it to his classmates, after discussing the importance of taking care of ecosystems by trying to protects its animals and natural habitats, we released the toad. Hopefully it will get used to its new habitat and become familar with our native and "released previously" animals. As it is raining a lot again we hope it could build a little burrow for itself.

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1 Comment

patty 12 years ago

Yes, Ceci. We let it free in the field near some trees. It rained a lot since. Hopefully it is hoping around or inside a burrow.
Do you remember when we had tadpoles years ago? I hope it joined those toads. =)

Spotted by

Montevideo, Montevideo, Uruguay

Spotted on Aug 23, 2012
Submitted on Aug 24, 2012

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