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Seaside Daisy

Erigeron glaucus


Low growing, pink and yellow flowers. "This is a perennial daisy reaching heights between 5 and 30 centimetres (2.0 and 11.8 in) with branching, nodding stems which may be glandular and hairy to hairless. It grows from a stout rhizome and produces thick, firm, rounded to spoon-shaped leaves, sometimes with a few teeth along the edges, each two to 13 centimeters long. Its stems bear inflorescences of one to 15 flower heads which are variable in size from one to over three centimeters wide. The centers contain golden yellow disc florets and the edges are fringed with ray florets which may be long or quite short, and are shades of deep blue and purple to nearly white." - Wikipedia


Pescadero state beach in the sand. This is native to California.

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Thank you both!

Azura Firdaus W
Azura Firdaus W 12 years ago

@Sukaina yeah beutiful flower

Sukaina 12 years ago

beautiful flower!

San Mateo, California, USA

Spotted on Aug 20, 2012
Submitted on Aug 23, 2012

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