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Blue Water lily

Nymphaea nouchali


Aquatic herb with floating leaves, rooting at the bottom of ponds. Flowering all year round.


Small pond

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Pat10 8 years ago

It looks like if it had fire. Someone saw a similar plant - but in the water - in the movie Finding Nemo. Its blue colour is beautiful, it shines.
If we were butterflies, we would go to this flower.

Form II Brown - Saint George's School

NuwanChathuranga 10 years ago

Thank you!

SukanyaDatta 10 years ago

Lovely, simply lovely.

FlorianMeier 10 years ago

Great Pics. Those egypten Lotus are so "macrogenic" :)

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Gives new meaning to the term inner glow. Very nice Nuwan.

NuwanChathuranga 10 years ago

Thanks all !

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 10 years ago

Gorgeous spotting Nuwan!

KellyTor 10 years ago

Lovely picture Nuwan. It actually looks like my tattoo and I mean that in a wonderful way. The symbolism of the water lily beginning it's existence from the bottom of a pond surrounded by mud and darkness and then growing towards the light to soak in the sun. Many of us that have gone through "dark" periods and have grown and moved to the" light" and start to thrive think very highly of the humble yet stunning Water Lily! Thank you again for such incredible photos


Maria dB
Maria dB 10 years ago

Artistic spotting!

patty 10 years ago

Nice pictures Nuwan; makes one feel like smelling the colorful flower =)

Spotted by

Central Province, Sri Lanka

Spotted on Jan 4, 2014
Submitted on Jan 6, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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