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Horseshoe Bee-orchid

Ophrys ferrum-equinum


Ophrys ferrum-equinum with her ... elf! After a research, all experts agreed that the mysterious creature is a Bisctutella didyma, with its two biscuits somewhat mature. Οn photo 3 however, you can see Bisctutella fresh and cool (it is from 21/2/18). Ophrys ferrum-equinum now, begins to appear in large numbers these days (see them wet in photo 4,5). In photos 4 and 5, the yelow 'tie' is what (called polimium) an insect may have left on, after 'having sex' with our beautiful Ophrys! In fact, polimium is a coherent mass of pollen grains that is the product of each anther lobe of some flowers, especially orchids. Pollinia are often attached to, and carried by, pollinating insects. Pollination occurs when insects carrying pollinia visit another flower and deposit pollen on the stigma.


In phrygana and grasslands.


Native ig Greece. Protection: CITES Convention

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Tania17 5 years ago

Thank you Mark!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 5 years ago

Fabulous spotting. Well done.

Tania17 6 years ago

Thank you Leuba for your kind words.

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing this lovely spotting Tania. Your photos and notes are interesting - like the biscuits & pollen bundle.

maplemoth662 6 years ago

Your welcome, Tania17....

Tania17 6 years ago

Thanks maplemoth

maplemoth662 6 years ago

Pretty photos....

Spotted by

Αττική, Greece

Spotted on Mar 2, 2018
Submitted on Mar 3, 2018

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