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Staghorn Sumac

Rhus typhina


Medium sized trees, fern type leaves, fruit that looks like red pinecone.


Deciduous forests, also found near fresh water


Caution: severe skin irritant.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Staghorn Sumac
Rhus typhina Rhus typhina

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1 Comment

ForestDragon 12 years ago

Hi MatthewPratt. This plant is called Sumac but it is not the same as Poison Sumac (Toxicodendron vernix or Rhus vernix). The two plants look quite a bit different. Your plant, Staghorn Sumac, Grows more like a tree or large shrub and can be used to make dye and the berries are actually edible (though I have no idea how they taste).
Here is another nice online resource for Staghorn Sumac:

See how to identify Poison Sumac here:

Spotted by

Rochester, New Hampshire, USA

Spotted on Sep 4, 2012
Submitted on Sep 8, 2012

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