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Tillandsia ionantha


Flowering bromeliad. This kind is smaller than the one I usually find.


Branches of trees.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Tillandsia ionantha Tillandsia ionantha

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LuisStevens 8 years ago

Thank you Daniele

DanielePralong 8 years ago

Congrats Luis, your beautiful Bromeliad has made the top 10 plant spottings in the '2015 Best Wildlife Photo' mission! Rangers are voting on the top 10 plant spottings, and the top 3 will be announced on February 3rd. The top 3 spottings will be commented on here on the site, but make sure you keep a look out on our Facebook app page for the announcement as well! Congratulations on making the top 10!

LuisStevens 9 years ago

Thank you mama bear. Every day in Project Noah there is alway somenthing I've never seen before.

mama bear
mama bear 9 years ago

Wow this is so cool. I've never seen anything like it!

LuisStevens 9 years ago

Thank you António

Beautiful spotting Luis,congrats on the FOTD and thanks for sharing

LuisStevens 9 years ago

Thank you StirredMocha for the ID and the link.

LuisStevens 9 years ago

Thankn you Daniele, I'm honored that my spotting has been chosen for Project Noah Fact of the Day.

DanielePralong 9 years ago

Congratulations Luis! Your spotting has been chosen for Project Noah Fact of the Day. "The Bromeliaceae (the bromeliads) are a family of monocot flowering plants of around 3,170 species native mainly to the tropical Americas, with a few species found in the American subtropics and one in tropical west Africa, Pitcairnia feliciana. The family includes both epiphytes, such as Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides), and terrestrial species, such as the pineapple (Ananas comosus). Many bromeliads are able to store water in a structure formed by their tightly-overlapping leaf bases.
Bromeliad spotted in San Luis Potosí, Mexico by LuisStevens".

LuisStevens 9 years ago

Thank you Charlie

CharliePrice 9 years ago

Very gorgeous species.

Spotted by

San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Spotted on Mar 21, 2015
Submitted on Mar 23, 2015

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