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Northern Viscacha

Lagidium peruanum


Single individual spotted among the ruins of Machu Picchu.

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EmilyMarino 10 years ago

Very cool Geoffrey! Thank you for the information! Glad to see your travels are taking you to amazing places!

GeoffreyPalmer 10 years ago

Thank you for you comment Neil Ross!

Emily, great to hear from you! Viscachas are actually a rodent in the chinchilla family, but are a great example of convergent evolution when compared to lagomorphs.

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

Wow what a cool creature, I've never heard of them! Are these animals lagomorphs like pikas and rabbits?

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

A bunny with a long tail? I like that. A great spotting of this little guy. I don't recall ever seeing this particular species, so it will be good to check out the reference. Thanks for sharing, Geoffrey.

Spotted by

Machupicchu, Cusco, Peru

Spotted on Feb 1, 2012
Submitted on Jan 19, 2014

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