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Spotted Garden Eel

Heteroconger hassi


Seems like a snake eel. Buries into the sand. Garden eel?

1 Species ID Suggestions

Spotted Garden Eel
Heteroconger hassi Spotted garden eel

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Mily 12 years ago


LauraMaria 12 years ago

Great, thanks for the info Mily! I see you've updated the common name, is it possible for you to add the scientific name too? It just helps the website link to related spottings more accurately, and makes your spotting more complete :) Thanks!

Mily 12 years ago

I saw it in an aquarium in Japan on an island off of Yokohama bay:)

LauraMaria 12 years ago

Did you see this in an aquarium by the way? If you did, it'd be great if you could mention that somewhere in the spotting :) Thanks!

LauraMaria 12 years ago

This is indeed a garden eel, the spotted garden eel to be more specific! They're so cute, I've seen some while diving before, such lovely fish!

Spotted by

中区, 神奈川県, Japan

Spotted on Jul 3, 2012
Submitted on Sep 18, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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