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Acorn Woodpecker

Melanerpes formicivorus


Black around the bill, eye and collar. Black wings, back and tail. White face,rump and white belly with black streaks on flanks. Deep read crown, bright yellow eyes and black bill. Face has been described like a clown face. The Acorn Woodpecker and a distinct sound like a laugh.


Prefers open woodland of mixed Oak and/or Pine


In the last image, while some areas are changing from Cresote utility poles to untreated, this is what happens. Though Cresote is bad for the inviroment it now means to they will have to change them more often in areas where woodpeckers are numerous. Not only the trees but almost all the newer poles and posts in the area were filled with the acorns and some holes were stacked with 2 or more of them. Also before I took the second image there were 5 Acorn Woodpeckers in line from the top of the pole down, one right below the other.

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1 Comment

KathleenMcEachern 10 years ago

I love these woodpeckers and their larders! Great spotting.

Spotted by

Gilroy, California, USA

Spotted on Jan 19, 2014
Submitted on Jan 21, 2014

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