A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Lithobates clamitans melanotus
"One way to tell a bullfrog from a green frog is by the dorsolateral fold. That's the fold of skin you can see that runs from eye to thigh. The green frog has it and the bullfrog does not. Also, in Maine, you can run into the mink frog, which is similar to the green frog. A visual difference between them is on the rear legs. The mink frog has dark striping that runs longitudinally from thighs to toes. The green frog doesn't have that. Therefore, based on what I see here, you have a green frog." By Aaron G.
Small frog pond in Woods.
One way to tell a bullfrog from a green frog is by the dorsolateral fold. That's the fold of skin you can see that runs from eye to thigh. The green frog has it and the bullfrog does not. Also, in Maine, you can run into the mink frog, which is similar to the green frog. A visual difference between them is on the rear legs. The mink frog has dark striping that runs longitudinally from thighs to toes. The green frog doesn't have that. Therefore, based on what I see here, you have a green frog. :-)