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Timarcha tenebricosa
The bloody-nosed beetle is a large and flightless member of the Chrysomelidae family of Coleptera. The body is quite squat, strongly curved and about 2 cm long, and about half that wide. As defensive behaviour they exude a bright red-orange fluid from their mouth (hence the common name), foul-tasting to predators.
Rural meadow. Alt. 700 m ASL. Distribution: southern and central Europe, and Britain and Ireland.
The elytra are unusually smooth on this beetle. The color is slightly metallic black or bluish or purplish. Antennas are thick and well segmented and legs have long tarsi and terminate with a double hook. They move slowly on the ground, in the grass and herbaceous plants. This species seems to be regressing in its area of distribution, due to agricultural practices, habitat fragmentation and the use of pesticides.
Thanks bayucca! I have updated accordingly. I didn't witness the hemolymph exuding behaviour even though I picked it up from the road on a leaf (it was crossing a small one lane country road between two meadow oh-so-slowly and about to get crushed by a large agricultural vehicle), took pictures, and safely deposited it on the other side:-)
Chrysomelidae, Timarcha tenebricosa. Very variable in color and texture, yours is actually VERY smooth. Flightless!!
Can be a Beetle of Brachypteridae family.
I think Marta have spotted similar one.