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Crimson Rosella

Platycercus elegans


The Crimson Rosella s named for its mostly crimson (red) plumage and bright blue cheeks. The feathers of the back and wing coverts are black broadly edged with red. The flight feathers of the wings have broad blue edges and the tail is blue above and pale blue below and on the outer feathers.


They are found in tall eucalypt and wetter forests.


Very hard to sneak up on them. We were sitting down having a rest from walking and they came down. Didn't take long though for them to get startled and take off.

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1 Comment

ShannaB 12 years ago

I like the third shot the best!

Spotted by

4370, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jul 22, 2012
Submitted on Sep 29, 2012

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