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Tokay Gecko

Gekko gecko

Species ID Suggestions

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fofr 12 years ago

Added scientific name :)

Scott Frazier
Scott Frazier 12 years ago

Hello. Since you know the identity of your organism, please go ahead and fill in the scientific name field. In this case it is Gekko gecko.This allows the spotting to fully enter the database and become complete, letting groups and individuals use the data and find your spotting. It also takes the spotting off the "unidentified" list. A reference link that you can fill in is
For more information on how species are named see Project Noah's blog entry that explains the spotting process: Thanks!

Nice eyes and colouring!

Spotted by

ខេត្តសៀមរាប, Cambodia

Spotted on Sep 13, 2012
Submitted on Oct 7, 2012

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