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I found this skull while walking through the woods today. Does Anyone know what it is?
I agree with the raccoon ID. I have a couple raccoon skulls and they are just the same.
Love it! Thanks for the additional pictures! You definitely have a raccoon! Cool find, thanks for sharing.
If you plan to keep it, soak it in hydrogen peroxide for a few weeks/months, changing out the H202 and adding new as needed. It will clean the skull and make it a nice bright white! If you are worried about disease, you can always drop it in some bleach water for a few hours too, but careful, bleach will make the skull brittle!
...and please don't forget to add this to the Osteology mission I mentioned! :D I'm kind of a nerd for this sort of thing!
It's not a lynx skull, it's not a feline skull at all. Lynx only have 3-4 teeth (not counting incisors) on one side of the jaw, this animal would have had at least 7 teeth on one side. After further research, I'm pretty confident it's a raccoon! Would still love to see more pics though! :D
Please add this to the "Identifying Animals Through Osteology Mission"! http://www.projectnoah.org/missions/8475... have a better chance of someone identifying there!
It's definitely a mammal skull so you can change the category. Do you have any additional pictures or a rough estimate on size?
I am 90% sure it's a raccoon but your picture cuts off the back of the brain case so I'm just not 100% sure! If you could add a top view and bottom view I can tell you for certain!
Great find!