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Rueleaf Saxifrage

Saxifraga tridactylites


Saxifraga tridactylites, the rue-leaved saxifrage or "nailwort", is a species of plant in the family Saxifragaceae. Rue-leaved saxifrage is an annual plant with distinctive, trilobed, fleshy leaves and red stems. These stems, the leaves and the sepals are covered in numerous sticky glands. Etymology: From latin saxifragus=stonebreaking. Pliny says the plant was so called because it was given to dissolve gallstones, but a more likely explanation is that it was so called because it grows in crevices in rocks.


Grows mostly in sunny, dry, calcium-rich and rocky territories. Here spotted in Seih-Sou, the suburban forest of Thessaloniki, Greece.


Greek name: Ριξίπτετρον ο τριδακτυλίτης

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Δήμος Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη, Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

Spotted on Mar 30, 2015
Submitted on Apr 6, 2015

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