In general, once I have a scientific name I do a Google Image search to check whether what I photographed is the same as what the images brings up. If it is not, then I do further research.
yes, I remember you where unsure about this fly, it is in the same area as my previous drone fly spot. if you look closely to the back you can see two ever so slightly spots - but they are more reddish brown than yellow. I need to do more research here.
Johan, wat van n Horsefly?
In general, once I have a scientific name I do a Google Image search to check whether what I photographed is the same as what the images brings up. If it is not, then I do further research.
yes, I remember you where unsure about this fly, it is in the same area as my previous drone fly spot. if you look closely to the back you can see two ever so slightly spots - but they are more reddish brown than yellow. I need to do more research here.
I'm not sure about this one. Tenax have spotted eyes and lines on the back which is absent here?