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Wheel Bug

Arilus cristatus


Family: Reduviidae 1.25-1.50 inches long (38 mm) with bee victim. Color: Mostly gray or brown. Wheel armor. Long "beak" injector. Feeds on soft-bodied insects and spiders. Beneficial insect. Slow moving, does have wings and flies.


Small meadow next to road with abundant flowers and especially goldenrod and other weeds and small staghorn sumac trees in great numbers finding a number of wheel bugs here.


Wheel bug injecting a bee with camo appearance by Widefooted Treehopper (Campylenchia latipes)

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auntnance123 11 years ago

One the coolest bugs around.

drP 11 years ago

Very cool!

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 11 years ago

This spotting could go in the Hunters and Animal Feeding Behavior mission at

Carol Snow Milne
Carol Snow Milne 11 years ago

Thanks for resolving my account issues. I am so thrilled and I feel like I won the lottery being so blessed with PN and all the many animals I see here.

KarenL 11 years ago

Great capture Carol! Welcome back!

ulvalactuca77 11 years ago

I saw my first wheel bug a couple of weeks ago! It was not really alive much but still exciting!

Smith'sZoo 12 years ago


CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

I would say, "This is so totally awesome and cool! I never before saw a wheel bug with its long injector in a bee. Gruesome, gross, way to go Wheel bug." (In my North Eastern USA regional "accent".) Of course I don't have an accent. HA! Response to Gerardo.

RiekoS 12 years ago

I have never seen this bug and really interesting.
Thank you very much.

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

I will love to hear your voice on your videos explaining what is going on :):):)

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 12 years ago

Incredible series Carol video is great :)

CarolSnowMilne 12 years ago

I like the little Tree Hopper. Never have seen one before. Thanks!

Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Sep 27, 2012
Submitted on Oct 2, 2012

Related Spottings

Wheel Bug Arilus cristatus Wheel Bug Wheel bug

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