A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Chimaphila Maculata, Pteridophyta, Crataegus Punctata, Sassafras Albidum, Araneidae.
Striped Princess Pine or Striped Wintergreen Native to North Carolina Found near an oak tree Has dark green leaves with a light green stripe in the middle Wood Fern Native to NC Grows in groups Found near an Oak tree The leaves of a woodfern are very tiny and are branch out from one stem Dotted Hawthorn It is a native species to North Carolina This plant was found growing near an oak tree This plant blooms with white flowers and has ridges on its leaves. White Sassafras Native to NC All the plants of this type were bunched together around an oak tree. This plant has leaves with three peaks on it. Orb- Weaver Spider Non native Found sitting on its web on the white sassafras This spider has yellow detailing and has a non toxic bite
The woods
Spotted on Apr 13, 2015
Submitted on Apr 16, 2015
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