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Notogonioide - eggs

Notogonioides erythropus


Epidermis of Persea americana.


My latest photos Notogonioide, since I've explored quite this species. although, I have not photos mating, should not be something difficult to imagine. Some females Notogonioide practice parental care until the babies come out of the eggs. But some females leave their eggs, for reasons unknown to me. treehoppers Notogonioide are myrmecophilous. Ants of the genus camponotus harass females and nymphs all the time.

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Obrigada! Entrarei em contato! =D

Sckel 10 years ago

Oi, AndressaFigueiredodeOliveira, deixei meu e-mail visível no perfil. ;)

Boa noite Sckel! Estou trabalhando na revisão taxonômica do gênero Notogonioides em minha dissertação de mestrado e gostaria de saber se poderia trocar algumas informações com você por e-mail. Grata!

Spotted by

Cariacica, ES, Brazil

Spotted on Jan 24, 2014
Submitted on Jan 24, 2014

Spotted for Missions

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