Wood ducks or pacific ducks? Do you believe it could be pacific black's somehow? I suppose they could have been pets that were released but with black ducks i believe its the same as mallards in that you cannot see the speculum when they're swimming. I think we need a duck expert!
I examined this pic on full screen. If only we could see the green speculum!! That would confirm wood ducks. I feel that nowadays with everything found everywhere,range needs to be redefined.
They look very similar to the pacific black ducks we get here in Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Bla.... But obviously the range is way off with these being spotted in Denmark.
Wood ducks or pacific ducks? Do you believe it could be pacific black's somehow? I suppose they could have been pets that were released but with black ducks i believe its the same as mallards in that you cannot see the speculum when they're swimming. I think we need a duck expert!
I examined this pic on full screen. If only we could see the green speculum!! That would confirm wood ducks.
I feel that nowadays with everything found everywhere,range needs to be redefined.
They look very similar to the pacific black ducks we get here in Australia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Bla.... But obviously the range is way off with these being spotted in Denmark.
great spot...and I think they could be Mallards with some domestic genes like Liam said.
The speculum isn't always visible, in fact it usually isn't. In this photo it is covered by the tertials.
These are Mallards, but they look to have domestic genes in them.
Me neither NatralList, but don't know what else they could be...
Think they are juveniles