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Growing on the balcony of my home (Teca) Teak logs.

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Thank you, Mark Ridgway and orbea.

Thank you so much, orbea.
I never thought of collecting it, I do not have any specimens but I am sure I will again next Oct and/or around rainy season.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Beautiful colour inside them btw.

Thank you for the interest, Mark Ridgway.
Yes, it is Teak, most of my home is made of teak, and what it is more puzziling is that it is treated and barnish but is in the side of my inner garden!?

orbea 10 years ago

Its a cup fungi, it looks distinctive enough that someone at ascofrance might be able to name it without micro, if you have specimens I'm sure you could interest someone there enough to work on it.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

That's really interesting Gilma!! I'm amazed that any fungi would do so well on teak. Are you certain of the timber type? The fungi itself looks very much like a resupinate stereum. We have one around called Xylobolus illudens but I don't think it could be interested in teak.

Costa Rica

Spotted on Oct 23, 2013
Submitted on Feb 1, 2014

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