Ashley is the expert in your part of the world and she says Solitary or Spotted. Looking at the second picture there are no visible spots on the belly but you say there were spots. The Solitary has a few faint spots on the flanks (sides) while the spotted in summer has has darker spots on the flanks and belly which start to appear in spring. There are other differences but these cannot be seen in your pictures. There are dozens of species of Sandpiper which at first glance to a newcomer can all appear to be the same but they do have variations in colour, size, pattern, length and shape of bill and legs, and also they change throughout the year as they moult their old feathers and grow new ones, then start to wear them out causing their colour to change. Welcome to the world of waders!
A Mourning Dove is a very different colour, buff belly, not white, darker wing feathers, shorter legs and a very long tail which this does not have. This is very clearly a Sandpiper of which there are several similar species.
Ashley is the expert in your part of the world and she says Solitary or Spotted. Looking at the second picture there are no visible spots on the belly but you say there were spots. The Solitary has a few faint spots on the flanks (sides) while the spotted in summer has has darker spots on the flanks and belly which start to appear in spring. There are other differences but these cannot be seen in your pictures. There are dozens of species of Sandpiper which at first glance to a newcomer can all appear to be the same but they do have variations in colour, size, pattern, length and shape of bill and legs, and also they change throughout the year as they moult their old feathers and grow new ones, then start to wear them out causing their colour to change. Welcome to the world of waders!
I'll put it down as just a sandpiper for now until I can get a specific species. Thanks for your help!
A Mourning Dove is a very different colour, buff belly, not white, darker wing feathers, shorter legs and a very long tail which this does not have. This is very clearly a Sandpiper of which there are several similar species.
I found out that this is a mourning dove just hanging out near the brook in my yard.
I agree with Sandpiper.....
It's either a solitary sandpiper or spotted sandpiper, can't tell with the graininess of the photo