A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Project Noah Nature School
Epicadus heterogaster likely
Beautiful crab spider as in photo.
Primary rainforest at around 230 m in Amazonian Peru.
Thanks Dominik.That looks a very good bet.
Cannot make a suggestions with links, so the links are here:https://www.flickr.com/photos/20618926@N...https://www.flickr.com/photos/dejeuxx/38...
Epicadus heterogaster.
Thanks Christine.There are some amazing camouflages used by insects.
Gorgeous! It looks like a flower!
Spotted on Jan 3, 2018 Submitted on Jan 3, 2018
and 5 other people favorited this spotting
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Thanks Dominik.
That looks a very good bet.
Cannot make a suggestions with links, so the links are here:
Epicadus heterogaster.
Thanks Christine.
There are some amazing camouflages used by insects.
Gorgeous! It looks like a flower!