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Coprosma Carpet Moth

Austrocidaria similata


NZ endemic, shows bright mottled green and bronze fore wings pattern resembling a carpet design, hence its name. Fawn/brown under wings. Smooth antennae.


Common throughout NZ in native forest and shrubland down to the Sub Antarctic Islands.Caterpillars feed on Coprosma sp plants (robusta - see earlier entry).


A bright looper moth, images taken on my house.

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1 Comment

triggsturner 9 years ago

Hi Polilla, we have several carpet moth species over here and this is sometimes called the Dark Caprosma Carpet Moth. Others are quite light in colour but they are all quite hard to spot when resting in their preferred environment.

Spotted by

Waikato, New Zealand

Spotted on Apr 28, 2015
Submitted on Apr 28, 2015

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