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Great Horned Owl

Bubo virginianus


Canal/deciduous habitat


This great horned owl was sitting on its nest in a large cottonwood tree. I got lucky and spotted it while biking the canal trail. It was one of those moments when you look in a spot that you normally wouldn't, and then you are glad you did:)

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beaker98 10 years ago

Thank you San Sannikin:)

San Sannikin
San Sannikin 10 years ago

Beautiful picture!

beaker98 10 years ago

Gilma, there is only too many when I can't find something;)

Never too many saved pictures!! ; )
Looking forward to the owlets... : )

beaker98 10 years ago

Thanks again Tom and gatorfellows! Hopefully I'll find all the photos of the owlets soon. They weren't great quality photos, but good enough to document the spotting clearly. I've found in searching that I save entirely too many photos:)

gatorfellows 10 years ago

super find :)

Tom15 10 years ago

Great shot Bill! Looking forward to seeing the owlets.

beaker98 10 years ago

Carol, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!

beaker98 10 years ago

Ava, I will certainly join and add this to the Animal Architecture mission. Thanks!

beaker98 10 years ago

Thanks for the comments Emily, Marta and Rieko! I don't get to see owls up close that often, so these are always special moments. Glad you enjoyed it:)

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 10 years ago

Please consider adding this spotting to the Animal Architecture mission at

Carol Snow Milne
Carol Snow Milne 10 years ago


RiekoS 10 years ago

I love it.

The MnMs
The MnMs 10 years ago

Such a nice moment! I am happy that you could notice it :-)

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

Love the story!

That would be great to see, I have never seen owlets, looking forward to them. Thank you for sharing.

beaker98 10 years ago

Thanks Neil! She was none too pleased that I was there, although she remained quite calm. Daddy was hanging out a ways away keeping an eye on me, but out of camera range.

beaker98 10 years ago

Thanks Gilma and Renee! Gilma, this realy did make my day, but also my next few weeks. There were owlets in that nest and I returned once a week to get photos until they were gone. I haven't found those photos yet, as I've been going through my ore-Noah photos so I can add some of those.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes all we need do is look, and I think that's what makes a good photographer. This is a really great spotting, and a really beautiful owl. I love the 'none-too-pleased' look.

Cassie456 10 years ago

Wow that's awesome!

What a fantastic spotting, it is gorgeous and in the nest!! I bet it made your day it would mine!! Thank you for sharing, beaker98.

Spotted by

Illinois, United States

Spotted on Mar 14, 2011
Submitted on Feb 1, 2014

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