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Eyelash Viper

Bothriechis schlegelii


The eyelash viper is a small yet very venomous pit viper. It was hard telling exactly how long this yellow species was, but adult eyelash vipers are generally 50 - 80 cm long. It has a wide, triangular-shaped head, and eyes with vertical pupils. Its name id derived from the set of spiked scales over the eyes that look like eyelashes. They aid in camouflage, breaking up the snake's outline among the foliage where it hides.


Branch of a tree in the humid, tropical climate of Caribbean Costa Rica. It was found not far from Kelly Creek.


Spotted in Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica

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1 Comment

Jae 9 years ago

Oropel! Great serie, Yaniv & Sarit.

Limón, Costa Rica

Spotted on Mar 20, 2015
Submitted on May 15, 2015

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