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I ordered and received bullfrog tadpoles online a few months ago, but this one is different than the rest. Any ideas as to what it is?


Fish tank.


Silver with dark spots.

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ok,nice news :)

JacobMcelligott 11 years ago

Yes they are naturally occurring in my area.

Jacob welcome to Project Noah,from your description i conclued that the bull frog tadpoles are you pets,so you have to change the spotting to pets categorie.
Another thing,are you awered about the problems that bullfrog's are creating when relessed in wild areas where they dont belong?So you have to bee carefull on handelling those tadepoles,ok?are bullfrogs natural on your area?
i give a link so you can read something about the bullfrog invansion.

Spotted by

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

Spotted on Sep 26, 2012
Submitted on Nov 11, 2012

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