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Trachelochismus pinnulatus


I found that little fish, trapped in a rockpool, at low tide. It 's colorful, it has protruding eyes, and a large upward-facing mouth in a large head... It also has a suction cup like pelvic fin that allows it to stick in rocks (and my hand) and it's slightly slimy ...It's an endemic species and pretty common. It starts as a colorful larva, and when matured, is paler. It can reach the 10cm in length.

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DespinaTsafetopoulou 11 years ago

Dear @Lauren, that link doesn't work, is there any other link available?

LaurenZarate 11 years ago

Hi Despina - could these invisible little fellows be the same thing you have here?
They stuck to the rocks above the water line. Really odd.

Wellington, New Zealand

Spotted on Nov 18, 2012
Submitted on Nov 18, 2012

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