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Lunaria annua


It prefers partly shady spots, and while usually purple, is also found with white blooms.


The early leaves can be eaten, with a slightly hot taste, and the roots are edible before flowering. The seeds can be ground with cold water like mustard seeds to make a mustard substitute. Unripe raw seed add a mustard-like flavours in salads. Root - raw. Used before the plant produces flowers. Interesting to note that different sources have different information. But one common attribute is "before plant produces flowers". So with that in mind, you may like to do your own research before consuming and if you choose to consume, moderation and care. I will research this deeper in the future.

1 Species ID Suggestions

C. Daehler
C. Daehler 12 years ago
silver dollar
Lunaria annua Lunaria annua

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New Zealand

Spotted on Nov 7, 2012
Submitted on Nov 11, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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