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Common wanderer(Male)

Pareronia valeria


Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

@Jellis : can see, in different place i spotted this!

Jellis 11 years ago

Looks like the own that had the hind wing same size as the forward wing. It was a mutation.

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

You are right Bayucca...Ashish Nimkar's this spotting describes it..

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

@Milind: Shape of wings correct..But more white dominant like...

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

@Bayucca : Striped suits correctly...But common wanderer has more blueness na? Shape of wings also differs little na? Just a query...i know very less about butterflies...

bayucca 11 years ago

Other one: Pareronia hippia, also from India:
Please, check the Pareronia sp. in India!

bayucca 11 years ago

I am pretty sure it is a Pareronia sp., and might be the common Common Wanderer, but I am not 100% sure, since there are some other Pareronia around, like Pareronia anais for example. This one is also the male.

Milind Mangare
Milind Mangare 11 years ago

good one

Adarsha B S
Adarsha B S 11 years ago

@Chief : Seems likely...But stripes are different...I seen them in Nuwan's collection...But now when i checked i was unable to find...

Jellis 11 years ago

Hey Chief I think you meant to say Butterfly not moth

Adarsha B S
Spotted by
Adarsha B S

Karnataka, India

Spotted on Nov 19, 2012
Submitted on Nov 29, 2012

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