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Lyssa zampa
Large moth with wingspan of 150mm (the size of my hand) ! First spotted perched on the wall among the climbing ficus plants. Flew to the garage then perched on the guava tree about 1m from the ground.
Habitat on records is lowland forest but I found this specimen in our garden in an urban area.
26 Comments (1–25)
Thank you Jacob and Karen! :)
Wow! Gorgeous Leana!
Beautiful! I can't believe I missed this one!
Thanks @Chun for your help in identifying this moth. Scientific name now changed from Lyssa menoetius to Lyssa zampa. Very exotic name! :)
Thank you Maria and Gilma for your comments and appreciation :)
Love picture # 3, it is so hard to ever see the underside of Moths, thanks for sharing.
awesome moth!
Hi Leana, this moth looks more like a Lyssa Zampa.
Thank you Milind!
Thanks for appreciating this spotting notsoclosetnerd1 :-)
How amazingly beautiful!!! thank you so much for spotting and sharing this gorgeous moth! :)
Thank you ToshimiDowaki! My photos however did not do justice this beautiful creature as it it more beautiful in actuality.
Wonderful series!
Thanks Leuba!
beautiful !
Shekainah, all my photos were taken from the vicinity of our home in an urban area :)
Thank you Jatishwor!
I'm think you're becoming more of a jungle girl.
Thank you Noel and Shekai for the comments, faves and for joining the "Moths in the Philippines" mission :-)
WOW! Great series!
Awesome Ate Leana!
Thanks Agnes! First time I saw this kind of moth.