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Maratus griseus
About 9mm long. Very coarse furry abdomen. Cephalothorax similar to peacock spiders. Orange forehead. Fast moving and alert.
In an outer urban back yard.
Name changed 2019
Only 2 species in this genus. Both found only in SE Australia and NZ.
"Note that in the 1880s the same spider collector named two Hypoblemum species: H. villosum and H. albovittatum. Various internet sites mention these as being found widely in Australia and New Zealand and they are quite similar in appearance. However, it appears that H. villosum has a complete white fringe at the rear of the cephalothorax (broken on H. albovittatum) and on an H. villosum male the front part of the cephalothorax is orange whereas H. albovittatum lacks this orange area." - Ron Atkinson - http://www.findaspider.org.au/find/spide...
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