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This larva(?) was spotted by my colleague from the glow that it was emitting. This is not fluorescence but bio-luminescence. The creature was creeping along the concrete road surface at our observatory. Pics above are with a DSLR with the subject being illuminated by a torch glow from afar.


Photo taken at Mount Abu IR Observatory - situated in the Mount Abu WLS. This is the highest point in this part of India - about 1700m above msl.


Spotted by Mr G S Rajpurohit just after reaching around 9:30pm local time..

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1 Comment

Rahul Upadhyay
Rahul Upadhyay 9 years ago

This is a beetle larva (female), of Phengodidae family, wherein the females are much larger than the males and are completely larviform i.e. they don't enter a morphologically distinct adult stage. But I am unsure regarding the species.

I was fortunate to have seen this a few years back at Bhimashankar. :):)

Spotted by

Rajasthan, India

Spotted on Jun 12, 2015
Submitted on Jun 13, 2015

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