I correct myself; I cannot find any sources listing foodplants of D. angusii. Could you crop the photo and add another photo to the spotting, for further analysis?
That is a very close match, though it looks like that has red on the back of its head. What do you think? If they were feeding on hickory, it could not be D. angusii or D. perspicua as they both feed on Rhus species (Sumac). http://bugguide.net/node/view/132612
Thanks Diane for the ID input. After checking out the cropped pictures, I agree. Thanks theham for cropping the photos.
Food plant for D. angusii is butternut, walnut and HICKORY (all Juglandaceae). I believe this is D. angusii
I've cleared up and cropped the pics
I correct myself; I cannot find any sources listing foodplants of D. angusii. Could you crop the photo and add another photo to the spotting, for further analysis?
That is a very close match, though it looks like that has red on the back of its head. What do you think? If they were feeding on hickory, it could not be D. angusii or D. perspicua as they both feed on Rhus species (Sumac). http://bugguide.net/node/view/132612
It seems to be Datana angusii
Lovely! Please confirm. The only species of Datana I could find with a lack of color in the neck.
Looks similar, but doesn't seem to have the patch of color right behind the head shield.
also nice shot,closer would be good but its still a great shot
jellis got it right. its a yellowneck
might be this Yellownecked Caterpillar (Datana ministra) but too bad you didn't get a closer shot.