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Amaryllis Striatum (Hippeastrum)

Hippeastrum striatum


Bello Amaryllis (version cultivada de Hippeastrum) color rojo de gran tamaño (10+ cm). Plantado, de vivero


Sub-tropical montane forest at the Suburbs of Guatemala City 1800 msnm


Durante muchos años exisitió confusión entre los botánicos sobre los nombres genéricos Amaryllis e Hippeastrum, y es que el nombre "amaryllis" es utilizado comunmente para las plantas cultivadas del género Hippeastrum, vendidas ampliamente en los meses de invierno por su habilidad de florecer en interiores. is native to Brazil. This species produces numerous bulbils that may be washed or broken off in nature. Because of this prolific production of bulbils, it has naturalized in tropical areas such as Hawaii. There is no special dormancy requirements to bloom this species which can occur in just 2 years from seeds.

1 Species ID Suggestions

gatorfellows 11 years ago
Hippeastrum sp. Hippeastrum

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sarahaw1981 11 years ago

Not a problem. I just did a search on the information that was made in the ID, and found that website I added. So I learnt something to thanks to the person that made the ID :-)

AndresDuarte 11 years ago

Thank you very much Sarah, very good guidance!

sarahaw1981 11 years ago

The full scientific name is Hippeastrum striatum

I got the information from this website, they show many verities all with the scientific name for each species.

Spotted by

Spotted on Jan 16, 2013
Submitted on Jan 17, 2013

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