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Parasa sp.
Thank you for your follow up. One of the match I got was from flickr and the same picture was used for this: http://mothbutt.wordpress.com/2010/07/17...
This is the only perfect match I found.
Do you have a link of yours? I mainly are working on my iPad and did not find any reasonable match. If you find an ID on a not-trustable site, like google, picasa, flickr or others, you have to be sceptic and to do a cross check or you have to know the one who did the ID. I recently has to untrust a trusted ID on EOL, waiting how loud the thunder will be ;-)...
I updated the identification as suggested after I found a perfect match in google images (which is not a reference).
Limacodidae, Parasa sp.. Unfortunately I have no electronic reference of this one and most of the Limacocidae caterpillars are not IDed.