A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Xenoglaux loweryi
The incredibly rare and little known Long-whiskered Owlet was discovered when caught in a mistnet in a remote Peruvian cloudforest in 1976 and only seen in the wild for the first time in 2007. Just a few territories are known at 3 sites and very few birders have been lucky enough to observe this, the second smallest owl in the world! Image taken at Abra Patricia in northern Peru.
roughly 59 people in the world, have seen this bird.
Wow! I just talked to someone, who said that he had his daughter with him who was five, and they saw one of these. She now holds the record for the youngest person to see this bird.
Brilliant !!!... Awesome !!!
Great spotting and pic!!! Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous Owlet!
awesome, Really Impressive!
Wonderful !
great spotting
Thanks for the great comments and LanaSutton - you are welcome to repost the image on your page.
Awesome shot. Can I use it on our Little Owl Festival page? I post good pictures of owls there regularly! https://www.facebook.com/LittleOwlFest?f...
Outstanding image
Magnificent spotting ! Beautiful image.
Wow :)
Great spotting & photography!
Yes, wow!