A worldwide community photographing and learning about wildlife
Project Noah Nature School
Poecilia reticulata
How cool, I've only ever seen guppies in aquariums!
@KarenL, these are wild fish. I took these photos from the surface of a small pond.
Kalee, are these wild or aquarium fish?
thank you ElijahL :)
sweet fish. nice spot. i love guppy's so much!. :)
Spotted on Feb 1, 2013 Submitted on Feb 1, 2013
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How cool, I've only ever seen guppies in aquariums!
@KarenL, these are wild fish. I took these photos from the surface of a small pond.
Kalee, are these wild or aquarium fish?
thank you ElijahL :)
sweet fish. nice spot. i love guppy's so much!. :)