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Junonia sp.
Family: Nymphalidae.
I agree, you need the butterfly for exact species ID. Both, Evarete and Genoveva are possible. The color of the underside of the antennae tip might be one criteria, but this is not generally accepted.
something about the colours is so pleasing and calming - lovely spotting! thanks
Thank you Gilma for your nice comment! My pleasure.
NatralList- Yes, it is made of Ilex paraguariensis.The people put another herbs with medicinal or digestive properties on it.
Lovely!! Plenty of pictures, both sides of the Butterfly and even the plant she is on!! Thank you so much for sharing such detail spotting, Daniela Bracamonte.
Yes, they are scented leaves, the people here use them to make tea and some people put some leaves in the Mate. I prefer the scent of Lemon Verbena.
Thank you Yuko!
Yes NatralList, it is Verbenaceae like Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora).Both plants are native from Argentina and Bolivia.
Thank you for the suggestion gatorfellows, in Argentina occur Junonia genoveva hilaris and Junonia evarete. Both are very alike, and the problem is that is necesary a butterfly to identify the species, as I have understood, so I put only the genus.
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Here is another resource for the suggestion; http://www.learnaboutbutterflies.com/And...