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Anopheles albimanus

Species ID Suggestions

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Christine Y.
Christine Y. 11 years ago

Great shots! This isn't an Anopheles mosquito because the palps are shorter than the proboscis. It looks like either Culex or Culiseta, but I wouldn't know without closer examination since I am unfamiliar with the species in your area.

emanuelgoyco 11 years ago

took em with a cel phone! i did some google "searching" and i think is Anopheles albimanus but i could not find more info on mosquito identification

DaneCole 11 years ago

Great shots! If there's any misquito lovers on project Noah yet, they will be able to ID no prob.

Spotted by

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Spotted on Jan 21, 2013
Submitted on Jan 21, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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