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Vesper sparrow

Pooecetes gramineus


I'm identifying this as a vesper sparrow because of the small rusty patch on its shoulder. The Vesper Sparrow is a medium sparrow, black-streaked gray-brown upperparts, white underparts, and streaked breast and sides with a rusty shoulder patch. White face has brown cheek patch and white eye-ring. Wings are gray-brown with two pale bars and rufous shoulder patches. Tail is notched and dark with white edges.


Breeds from the Northwest Territories. Found in cultivated fields, grasslands, and fallow fields with adjacent farmed areas. This vesper sparrow was spotted on a fence post in a field which was near the Shoshone River in Cody, Wyoming.

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Cody, Wyoming, USA

Spotted on Jul 15, 2015
Submitted on Jul 16, 2015

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