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Cuckoo Bee

Nomada ruficornis species group


This is the parastic bee laying their eggs in the other digger or mud wasp's nest . Also known as Kleptoparasites .It has brownish orange lower body and dark brown upper body . It flies at lower grounds for hunting and foraging the victims .


Found in garden at my work place (Punjab).


It is pleasure to watch it due to its unique feature of stand for fraction of seconds while flying (seen in last pic).


KrantiAzad 11 years ago

Yes , Ashish slowly slowly I completely know everybody here but I didn't argue I m just confused as I m not much familiar with bees or wasps and its first time when I m checking them in nature ... so little bit confuse ... The size was jut 10 mm to 15 mm ...

Ashish Nimkar
Ashish Nimkar 11 years ago

Can not argue against Juan's suggestion... But I felt at first look as Golden Digger wasp... what is the size of this...?

KrantiAzad 11 years ago

My Pleasure and sorry I took time to edit my spotting !

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 11 years ago


KrantiAzad 11 years ago

Thanks Juan ! I edit it .......... :)

KrantiAzad 11 years ago

Ok Juan , I will check it out and I m confused because i m not good enough as you . Also , one difference among species makes a new one or describe them as other species .... thanks for help i will check and edit now !

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 11 years ago

Hi Krant. I have been working with native bees for more than 15 years. And I am very sure this is a Nomada be. Cuckoo bees are not social, they are pasasitic on other bees or wasps (maybe that's the confusion). Then, Sphecid wasps don't have puncturated tegument (the "skin" is smooth"), and the eyes are remarkably different. Then, the specie you are proposing have not been reported in your continent

KrantiAzad 11 years ago

@ Juan , the cuckoo bees are different species they are social and this wasp is solitary and dig its nest in the mud as u seen in the image ... and only male and female are there and more physical differences are there ... observed this at ...

KrantiAzad 11 years ago

Thanks Dixie !

Dixie 11 years ago

Very interesting!

Juan DiTrani
Juan DiTrani 11 years ago

Hi Kranti. I don't think this is a Sphecid wasp, but a Nomada (parasitic) bee

Kranti Dhiman
Spotted by
Kranti Dhiman

Punjab, India

Spotted on Feb 12, 2013
Submitted on Feb 12, 2013

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