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Longhorn Beetle on Oxeye Daisy

Lepturobosca chrysocoma?


Has some similarities to the previous spotting Longhorn Beetle on Oxeye: but this one has no spots and is a bit smaller.


Roadside on way to Blackwall Peak, Manning Park, BC. North Cascade Mountain Range.

Species ID Suggestions

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Thanks Doren B! I think you are right! But I have left a question mark so that any longhorn beetle experts can add to this ID, Thanks!

Doren B
Doren B 8 years ago

This is a wild guess, prompted by what appears to be golden hairs on your specimen, but it might ( as in a mere possibility ) be Lepturobosca chrysocoma. The gold coloring, though, could just be pollen from the daisy.

Doren B
Doren B 8 years ago

Looks like one of the Flower Longhorn Beetles, subfamily Lepturinae. There are approximately 200 species in this subfamily in North America.

Spotted by

British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Jul 13, 2016
Submitted on Jul 25, 2016

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